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Get exclusive access to a new manual for employers of autistic adults

Researchers of the Curtin University Research Group are offering employers of autistic adults a unique opportunity to use a new manual for employing autistic adults and then give feedback on it, so that the manual can be improved.

The manual, also known as the Integrated Employment Successful ToolTM (the IEST), has been designed to help them. After testing it Australia-wide with individuals working with autistic colleagues, the results showed that the manual helped to boost user confidence and communication skills.

Help make the IEST better

We are now reviewing the guide and would like to invite employers, managers, supervisors and mentors of autistic adults to use the IEST and provide us with feedback.

What you will find in the IEST:

  • Recommendations for every stage of the employment process from job recruitment to the interview, work modification and ongoing support.
  • Strategies for success, including how to create an awareness of autism in the workplace, how to identify the strengths of autistic employees and how to overcome potential challenges.
  • Checklists covering things to consider, including modifications to make and providing support to autistic employees.
  • Sample forms to ease the planning process. Included are a Support Plan, a Goal Planner, a Priority Planner and a Supervisor Workplace Handover form.

We will only ask you to:

  • Consent to use the IEST in your organisation only.
  • Consent to provide us with feedback on how the IEST can be improved and what would make it easier for you to use it.

For more information or to express your interest:
Please contact Tanya Picen at