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Help us learn about autism diagnosis

Many people on the autism spectrum were not able to receive a diagnosis when they were children. Researchers at the University of New South Wales and Autism CRC would like to learn more about autism spectrum diagnosis (including Asperger’s syndrome) in adulthood. Any adult with a formal diagnosis or thinks they may be on the…

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Personality study of adolescents with autism

People are different and this is due to their personality which is a combination of their temperament, characteristics, self-beliefs and the environment they have been living in. In the past few decades, researchers have mainly focused on adults’ personality, and its development in youth, especially autistic children and adolescents and how it affects their lives…

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Social group program autistic children

Sometimes experiencing difficulties in social interaction can lead to stress and mental health concerns, this is especially true for autistic youth. These effects can follow children throughout life, and perhaps that is why many of them do not want to go to school. Social skills programs held in a group setting has been helpful with…

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Get exclusive access to a new manual for employers of autistic adults

Researchers of the Curtin University Research Group are offering employers of autistic adults a unique opportunity to use a new manual for employing autistic adults and then give feedback on it, so that the manual can be improved. The manual, also known as the Integrated Employment Successful ToolTM (the IEST), has been designed to help…

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Participants recruitment for physical activity program targeting children with autism

The Curtin Autism Research Group is undertaking a study with Autism Association of Western Australia to develop a tailored physical activity program targeting children with autism aged between 12-16 years. At times it may be difficult for children with autism to participate in physical activity due to multiple physical, social and emotional demands. This program…

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